G. Segev, C. M. Jiang, I. D. Sharp, “Quantification of the loss mechanisms emerging water splitting photoanodes through empirical extraction of the spatial charge collection efficiency”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2018.
G. Segev, H. Dotan, D. Ellis, I. Piekner, D. Klotz, J. Beeman, J. K. Cooper, D. Grave, I. Sharp and A. Rothschild, “Empirical extraction of the spatial separation and collection efficiency of photogenerated charge carriers in photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical devices”, Joule, 2018.

G. Segev, J.W. Beeman, J.B. Greenblatt, , and I.D. Sharp, Hybrid photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic cells for simultaneous production of chemical fuels and electrical power. Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 1115–1121